Yep. You read that right. And before you go down the emotional rabbit hole of what was a traumatic hair story from the late 80s, memorialized forever in your 4th-grade school photo, hear this: This is NOT that perm. Nor is this your Granny’s perm (as much as we LOVE Granny). 

It’s more like your hot cousin’s vibe. You know, the one who moved to Santorini to fulfill their dreams of becoming a beach model? Yes, that look. 

Controllable with flexible rods, the American Wave service offers a full range of textures, meaning virtually any era of SJP’s wig journey can be yours.


Now come closer for a little real talk, because we don’t mess around with Santorini or SJP looks. We promise that you will own that perm, and it will not own you. In order to fulfill that promise, however, we require that you come in for a consultation with one of our Perm Specialists prior to booking. Why? Well, what if your hair is overprocessed? Or too short? We’ll need to know what you’re working with, so that you don’t fly off to Santorini with a bad perm. We simply won’t have it. 

After you and your stylist talk technicalities, you’re set to go! Or not go--our Perm Specialists bear full authority to deny services as they feel necessary. (For example, perming over highlights, new or old, can compromise hair integrity so is a definite no-go.)

This perm package includes: a cut and a Malibu treatment for ultimate nourishment and hydration. Price begins at $310. To book your pre-perm consult, call (971) 267-4080.
