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Ahhh, summer! The heat. The ocean air. The cocktails.  The humidity. The... frizz. 


While you’re willing to rock the carefree beach day look (complete with all its humidity volume and wild hairs) some of the time, there may be days where the humid look just isn’t the look you are going for. 


For those days, we checked in with Stina, Ginger’s co-owner and stylist, to give us the tips and tricks for happy, healthy hair - no matter the humidity levels. 


  1. You want hydration! In the world of Kevin Murphy, you wash for the hair you have and condition for the hair you want. When seeing a humidity day on the horizon, on wash day go for your regular shampoo and one of the more moisturizing conditioners: Hydrate.Me Rinse is great for fine to normal hair. Smooth.Again Rinse for thick or curly hair. My personal favorite: Hydrate.Me Masque for high porosity heads. (You have high porosity if you have over styled/chemically processed/gone blonde/have tight curls smaller than a pencil width.)  If you go for a masque, you'll want to follow it up with your regular conditioner after you rinse the masque. This will ensure the hydration gets in there! 

  2. Out of the shower you want a leave-in conditioner - if you plan to heat style.

  3. YOU MUST put on a heat protectant - something that can withstand the heat. Make sure your iron won't exceed that temp when you use it!

  4. If not heat styling, you want some Easy.Rider for thick/wavy/curly/porous hair or Leave.In Repair for the finer or straight hair textures.



(Photo credit: Stephanie Grelle)