We face a lot of expectations in life. Like, a LOT. Perhaps one of the most daunting is feeling like we need to look or act a certain way in specific settings and situations in order to be accepted.

So we wanted to take a moment to say that, when you're in a Ginger & Maude salon, just being you is exactly enough. You are welcome here as you are, however you are, and wherever life has you sitting at the moment. You don't have to stress about what you're wearing, how much makeup you have on, or keeping a conversation if you don't feel up to it. Our focus is on creating an environment where you feel safe enough to be your true self while we create your dream hair.

We believe so much in the magic of the chair. We love the sense of community and connection a hair salon can offer and how they can provide a reprieve from life’s daily stressors. We’ve witnessed firsthand a client’s boost in mood and confidence, how they leave feeling recharged and ready to tackle life. Our goal is to make every visit one of those visits. So whether you're having the best day or a less-than-stellar one, whether you want to laugh or need to cry, whether you’re looking for a talkfest or just a moment to process, come take a seat. We're here for it. We're here for YOU, and we're so happy to have you in the salon.