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Ready to meet a total badass? Coming to us all the way from Miami, Kel (they/them) can pretty much do it all. Whether your vibe is funky or classic, short or long, Kel will DELIVER. Read on to learn a bit more about them and catch their tutorial for achieving those perfectly natural-looking movie-star beach waves.

Q: Tell us about yourself!
A: Hi! I’m Kel (they/them) and I’m a Pisces! I’ve been in the biz for 16 years now, and I LOVE what I do. I’m a transplant from Miami, FL, which is where I spent all of my career perfecting my craft. Fun facts: I am fluent in Spanish and am the proud parent of a French Bulldog named Sid.

Q: What inspired you to become a hairstylist?
A: My mom actually encouraged me to become a hairstylist. When I was a teenager, I was rebellious and loved experimenting with my hair and my friends’ hair. After many questionable haircuts, stained countertops, and ruined shower curtains, my mom suggested I go learn how to do hair professionally, so I did!

Q: Let's talk about our tagline—'We don't just love hair, we love people.' How do you see Ginger & Maude being authentic to that and how do you bring it to life?
A: I really feel like Ginger & Maude lives up to their tagline. From the moment I was hired, I felt so welcomed by literally everyone. As I’m learning about the company, I’m seeing how much time and dedication is put into making sure both the stylists and the clients feel comfortable and safe in the salon. There are so many policies, procedures, and education in place to ensure that everyone has a place at Ginger & Maude—something I’ve never had at any other salon I’ve worked at over the years.
Personally, I bring it to life by making sure that my chair and the services I provide are safe and inclusive for everyone. The salon can be intimidating, but I’m here to ease that and provide an amazing experience for my clients.

Q: How do the trends compare between Miami and Portland?
A: Miami and Portland are almost polar opposites! Folks in Miami are very high-maintenance when it comes to their hair—they want to look perfect and polished all the time. Folks in Portland are much more laid back. I’m seeing a lot more wash-and-wear, low-maintenance styles being popular here, which I love! It has definitely shifted my approach to what I do, playing more with natural textures and thinking intuitively when creating a style.

Q: What is your favorite thing about Portland so far?
A: My favorite thing about Portland is a tie between the queer community/queer representation and the access to nature! I was lacking community back home, and aside from hotel-lined beaches, the nature doesn’t compare to what Portland has to offer.

Q: What is your stance on using an umbrella when it rains?
A: Coming from Miami, I am no stranger to an umbrella. The torrential downpours force you to have an umbrella handy at all times. The little baby rain that happens here (to me) is manageable without an umbrella, so long as I have a parka or something waterproof. Howeverrrrrrr, if I just gave you a stunning blowout and it’s raining, you better pop that umbrella open!

Q: What’s a hairstyle you love?
A: Try these Miami-inspired beachy waves! All you need is a curling wand or iron and some KEVIN.MURPHY BEDROOM.HAIR.

You absolutely HAVE to meet Kel ASAP. Like, for real for real, they’re one of the coolest. Keep up with their work @hairbyhayweird, and schedule with them online or by calling/texting 971.267.4080.