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Want to know a juicy secret? Ginger & Maude® loves sustainability. Like, we feel a full-on, head-over-heels, ride-or-die type of wild about it. But did you know it isn’t just the business seeking to do better? Our employees are committed to making their own changes to live more aligned with the Earth as well. We asked three of Ginger & Maude’s fabulous stylistsLigeia, DeDe, and Summerto share why sustainability is important to them, what simple shifts they’ve made in their own lives, and what less-than-environmentally-friendly practice has been the most difficult to break away from (let’s face it–we all have at least one).


Q: Why is sustainability important to you?

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Ligeia: Sustainability is important to me for a couple of reasons. I want to be the best human I can be, so I want to do the best I can for the environment. Also, environmental concerns aside, I hate waste. Probably because the concept of “waste not, want not” was drilled into me as a child. I love the idea of doing more with less.

Q: What are some simple sustainability shifts you’ve made in your personal life?

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DeDe: Simple sustainability shifts I have made in my personal life are: using reusable cups and water bottles, and being strict on what plastics I purchase (has to be recyclable).

Q: What unsustainable practice has proven hardest to break away from?

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Summer: Using small plastic things like sandwich bags and whatnot instead of reusable.


Breaking habits to live a more sustainable lifestyle can be tough, for sure. It’s so worth it to do our part for the planet’s health, and making a few small changes at a time definitely makes it more manageable. We’ve totally got thistogether!