We researched, we tested, and we compared to find a semi-permanent fashion color brand that provides hair color with shine, longevity, and excellent fade-out while also aligning with our values.

And now, let us introduce you to…

Danger Jones, the new semi-permanent fashion hair color brand we’re using in the salon. We LOVE it. Cruelty-free, gluten-free, and vegan, Danger Jones colors come sans ammonia, PPD, MEA, and parabens, but go HARD when it comes to consistency, vibrancy, and boldness (even the pastels have a serious WOW factor!). And you wanna know the crème de la crème? The colors fade into softer pastel versions of themselves, meaning fabulous hair for even longer with NO color staining when they fully wash out. AH!
To say we are fully obsessed is quite possibly the understatement of the year.
As if the colors by themselves aren't enough for total heart eyes, the brand, Danger Jones Creative, is dedicated to doing things better—maintaining a commitment to increasing quality over cutting costs, providing in-person education, and using sustainable and ethically sourced raw materials as well as post-consumer recycled packaging. Also, all their boxes are designed in collaboration with independent artists to look like concert posters. What a freaking dream.

Today, our Education Director, Nicki, is giving us more info about why we decided to add another line, and how Danger Jones stood out amongst all the rest.

Q: Why did you decide to introduce a new fashion shade line into the existing one?
A: Really, stylists were just looking for a larger array of colors, so we wanted to find something that would complement our current selection.

Q: Why did you choose Danger Jones over all the other fashion lines you tested?
A: Danger Jones is set up to include education with their vivids, which assists in an overall more successful experience for both the stylist and the client. It’s a new, small company—from the creators of Pulp Riot—that focuses on more sustainable and cruelty-free options, which is in line with our B Corp
® status.
Then, among the seven we tested, it had the best marks across the board. In every category it continually outperformed all the others, so really, it was a no-brainer.

Q: What do you love about the company?
A: They’re a company that’s truly trying to make the industry a better place with their vivids, using sustainable practices and supporting education. 

Q: What do you love about the product?
A: You can do so much with their vivids line because there are so many colors available. Also, it doesn’t bleed, so rainbow hair is much more attainable.

Q: Why do you think clients will love it?
A: Clients will love it because the color that’s on the box is the color that will show up on their hair. Also, because of the education that comes with it, mixing and matching is much easier, meaning more freedom to customize your perfect color.
Rinse bleed—how much tinted water you see when you wash out your hair—is very low, if any, so less worry about staining your tub. 😂 It’s SUPER reflective, and the shininess sticks around, so your hair will look fresh for longer. Plus, it’s long-lasting (like, incredible longevity), but it’s also really easy to remove if or when you want to. It doesn’t stain your hair, so you don’t have to worry about it sticking around, and it also fades out really nicely—so no awkward green phase (or any other color)!

Q: Anything else clients should know?
A: If you usually get a bond builder add-on, don't worry! It can still be used with Danger Jones colors.

To extend the life of your color:
-Wait 2-4 days to shampoo your hair after your service.
-Keep shampooing to a max of twice per week. Be sure to use a color-safe shampoo and conditioner (KEVIN.MURPHY EVERLASTING.COLOUR WASH and RINSE are our faves), and remember you only need to apply shampoo to your roots and scalp—it’ll rinse down the rest of your hair! A dry shampoo like KEVIN.MURPHY FRESH.HAIR is great to use in between wash days.
-Shower filters are lifesavers when it comes to preventing minerals, which can alter color, from being deposited in our hair. (If you read this article, you might remember shower filters are especially important if you live in Southeast Portland!)
-‍It's almost summer; make swim caps and hats a lifestyle! Avoid exposing your hair to hot, chlorine-treated, and/or ocean water, as well as direct sunlight for extended periods.

Most importantly, come in, and let’s have some fun!!