
If you were to click on the "team" tab on our website, you might notice we're a little obsessed with animals. Whether it's our perfect fur babies, other people's pets, or just a random dog on the street, we LOVE THEM ALL. That's why donating to an animal non-profit was a no- brainer for us. 


Ginger Salon is SO excited to choose Project Pooch as our donation space for the month of July. Project Pooch brings together selected youth at MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility in Woodburn, Oregon to work with, care for, groom, socialize, love, and train homeless shelter dogs so the dogs can be adopted into their forever homes.


Project Pooch can have anywhere between 7-10 youths in the program at any given time and up to 15 dogs at their kennel. All the dogs come from shelters around Portland. We admire Project Pooch for providing a space where dogs can be trained and socialized and where participants are able to reenter the community with a new skill set.


To learn more about Project Pooch, please visit their website at