Time to break out the rain boots! Our dear old frenemy, the rain, has returned for the duration, and while on the surface, it may seem intent only on threatening our hairstyles, our socks, AND our spirits every time we step outside, let us not forget that it also brings with it the forever-loved, unspoken permission—nay, the invitation, the beckoning, practically the REQUIREMENT—to revel in all things cozy and comforting. And we are absolutely living for that. Here’s how a few of our stylists celebrate the season of hygge.
It's Fall, Y'all! (2).png
What’s YOUR favorite fall tradition? Sipping a warm beverage while walking through the leaves? Reading a good book snuggled up beneath your favorite blanket? Puddle stomping when you’re sure nobody’s watching (or even if they are)? Whatever it is, we hope you find a moment to enjoy the comfier side of the rain.

P.S. Remember to check your boots for holes before jumping into any puddles.