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Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Please go away, I don’t want to look at you at all!

Find yourself muttering some variation of this sentiment every time you sit in a salon chair? We’ve got good news for you. Thanks to our new Mirrorless Service, facing toward the mirror during your appointment is now completely OPTIONAL.

Hair services can sometimes last hours, and we’ve heard from a lot of folks that staring at themselves in the mirror all that time takes away from their overall experience in the salon and their overall opinion of their appearance, sometimes even causing anxiety and insecurity.
And honestly, we get it.
So much of the beauty industry is geared toward our noticing perceived ‘flaws’ or features we wish were different, and that much face-to-face downtime with ourselves offers a big opportunity to do just that. Yeesh. We can think of so many other ways to spend that time!
At Ginger & Maude, we want different—WAY different. We think going to the hair salon should be a relaxing experience that leaves you feeling beautiful. Like, we want head-held-high, knock-‘em-dead, stunner-level-gorgeous vibes to be R.A.D.I.A.T.I.N.G from your very being when you walk out. But that confidence can be seriously diminished if you’ve spent the appointment picking yourself apart, and why reserve it only for the end anyway? You deserve to feel good in your skin and beautiful the entire time you’re in the salon. Because you are. 

Here’s the real deal: The mirrors in the salon are a useful tool for us to ensure we’re delivering the cut and style you’re after. But you don’t also have to be looking at that mirror in order for us to use it—our stylists are trained to ensure the quality of your service remains the same, regardless of which way your salon chair is facing.

And so from now on, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. Simply select the Mirrorless Service option when booking your appointment, and we’ll make sure to turn your chair away from the mirror when it’s time to start your service. A handheld mirror will be available for spot checks throughout if you’d like it, but beyond that, you’re free to sit back and read a book, watch cat videos, compile a list of all the things you love about you, draft a letter to the beauty industry demanding better… whatever you’d like to do to relax. This is YOUR time. Enjoy it.

P.S. Prepare to be extra WOWed when it comes time for the big reveal!